In honor of the solstice, I encourage you to deepen into the velvet-black, hibernatory space of the season. Take some time to listen to this supporting audio journey:
Next, contemplate the places of darkness in your life. I’m not necessarily referring to our regular associations with anger, horror, hell, or any of the concepts of darkness that are tinged with moral or religious judgment. I’m talking about the complete and utter uncertainty of everything that lives beyond our understanding and awareness. The void. The gaps between and beyond creation. The places where pinpricks of light are surrounded by so much shadow.
Writing Prompt: See if you can find an association with darkness that goes beyond the usual connotations. What is cosmic darkness to you? How does it live inside you? What are the places of mystery that defy explanation and language? How do you feel about this? How do you want to relate to it? How has it touched you? How does it continue to transform you?
Alternatively, write your own story of cosmic darkness…of the one you were before you came to be, and what life looked like in that place.